Prices and Production
Albrecht Ritschl
Not Available
Cultural Influences on Strategic Planning
Peter R Haiss
Transforming Economic Systems: The Case of Poland
Manfred Kremer and 1 more
Liberal Trade and Japan
Marcel F van Marion
Studies in Applied Econometrics
Hans Schneeweiß and 1 more
Open Economy Dynamics
Michael Carlberg
Approaches to Environmental Accounting
Alfred Franz and 1 more
Economies in Transition
Gerhard Gehrig and 1 more
International Trade and Restructuring in Eastern Europe
János Gács
Research and Development Management
Christoph M Schneider
Janos Gacs and 1 more
Stabilization Policy in an Exchange Rate Union
Valeria De Bonis
The Dynamics of Business Cycles
Michael Reiter
Trade and Environment
Karl W Steininger
Microregional Fragmentation
Lars O Persson and 1 more
Institutional Analysis of Development Administration
Andreas Foerster
The Service Sector: Productivity and Growth
Ernesto Felli and 2 more
Multicriteria Evaluation in a Fuzzy Environment
Giuseppe Munda
R & D, Innovation and Industrial Structure
Boris Maurer
Economics of Innovation
Giovanni Galizzi and 1 more
Poverty, Inequality and Social Welfare in Australia
David T Johnson
Industrial Mobility and Public Policy
Ulrich Landwehr
The Political Economy of Trade Integration
Oliver Fratzscher
Border-Regional Economics
Rongxing Guo
Regional Growth and Regional Policy Within the Framework of European Integration
Karin Peschel
Agricultural Technical Progress and the Development of a Dual Economy
Thorsten Wichmann
Income Inequality and Poverty in Eastern and Western Europe
Notburga Ott and 1 more
Business Cycles
Ulrich Woitek
International Economic Growth
Elements of the Swiss Market for Electricity
Massimo Filippini
Ethics and Economics
Giuseppe Gaburro
Firms, Markets, and Contracts
Ekkehart Schlicht
CO2 Abatement and Economic Structural Change in the European Internal Market
Frank Hoster and 2 more
Nonlinear Time Series Analysis With Applications to Foreign Exchange Rate Volatility
Christian Hafner
Mathematical Economics of Multi-Level Optimisation
Sardar MN Islam
Real Exchange Rate Movements
SvenMorten Mentzel
The German and Dutch Economies
Lei Delsen and 1 more
Business Cycle Models With Indeterminacy
Mark Weder
Models for Multispecies Management
Tor Rodseth
Intertemporal Macroeconomics
The Institutionalised Transformation of the East German Economy
Sabine Spangenberg
Current Issues in Monetary Economics
Helmut Wagner
Hagen Bobzin
The Political Economy of Fiscal Decisions
Jessica de Wolff
Recent Policy Issues in Environmental and Resource Economics
Peter Michaelis and 1 more
Risk Measurement, Econometrics and Neural Networks
Georg Bol and 2 more
Investment and Exit Decisions at the Plant Level
Joachim Winter
Intertemporal Asset Pricing
Bernd Meyer
Dynamics of Regional Integration
Uwe Walz
European Monetary Union
Vertical Relationships and Coordination in the Food System
Wages and the Euro
Gustav A Horn and 2 more
The Development of Equity Capital Markets in Transition Economies
Dirk Willer
The Costs of Road Infrastructure and Congestion in Europe
Heike Link and 3 more
Military Conscription
Simon Duindam
Innovation Diffusion and Political Control of Energy Technologies
Karl Mathias Weber
Political Economy of the Swiss National Bank
Bruno Jeitziner
Regional Sustainability
Irene Ring and 3 more
Transformation of Social Security
Katharina Müller and 2 more
Framing Effects in Taxation
Stefan Traub
Kirsten Ralf
Imperfect Information and Investor Heterogeneity in the Bond Market
Frank Riedel
The Competitive Advantage of Industrial Districts
Michele Bagella and 1 more
Monetary Union and Fiscal Stability
Frank Bohn
Integrated Macro-Micro-Modelling Under Rational Expectations
Michael Malakellis
Cooperation and Competition in a Common Market
Jaime Behar
Ambivalent Joint Production and the Natural Environment
Stefan Baumgärtner
Financial Intermediation and Deregulation
Tobias Miarka
The National Innovation System of Belgium
Henri Capron and 1 more
Illegal Immigration and Economic Welfare
Chisato Yoshida
Spatial Knowledge Spillovers and the Dynamics of Agglomeration and Regional Growth
Max C Keilbach
Intellectual Property Rights
Nikolaus Thumm
Spatial Change and Interregional Flows in the Integrating Europe
Johannes Bröcker and 1 more
Financial Structure and Stability
Alexander Karmann
Social Security and Solidarity in the European Union
Joos PA van Vugt
Economic Policy and Sustainable Land Use
Nico Heerink
Advances in Behavioral Economics
Friedel Bolle and 1 more
Inequality, Economic Growth, and Technological Change
Volker Grossmann
Mobility in Space and Time
Nicole Pohl
Learning in Economics
Thomas Riechmann
Money Stock Control and Inflation Targeting in Germany
Claus Brand
Bargaining Over Time Allocation
Miriam Beblo
Private Intergenerational Transfers and Population Aging
Erik Lüth
Clustering Dynamics and the Location of High-Tech-Firms
Mario A Maggioni
Complexity and Industrial Clusters
Alberto Quadrio Curzio and 1 more
General Equilibrium and Welfare
Pablo CotoMillán
East European Transition and EU Enlargement
Wojciech W Charemza and 1 more
Systemic Transformation, Trade and Economic Growth
Natalja von Westernhagen
A Theory of Employment in Firms
Josef Falkinger
Utility and Production
Business Cycles in the Contemporary World
Bernd Süssmuth
The Role of Financial Markets in the Transition Process
Emilio Colombo and 1 more
Strategic Delegation in Firms and in the Trade Union
Guido S Merzoni
On Global Aging
Jan B Kune
International Trade, Wage Inequality and the Developing Economy
Sugata Marjit and 1 more
Agent-Based Computational Demography
Francesco C Billari and 2 more
Market Expectations and Option Prices
Martin Mandler
Credit Risk
Karlsruher ÖkonometrieWorkshop and 1 more
The Dynamics of the Price Structure and the Business Cycle
Cristina Nardi Spiller
Public Debt and Endogenous Growth
Michael Bräuninger
Money Demand in Europe
Christian Müller
The Dynamics of Clusters and Innovation
Brigitte Preissl and 1 more
Unemployment Dynamics in the United States and West Germany
Markus Gangl
Essays on Microeconomics and Industrial Organisation
Frontiers of Broadband, Electronic and Mobile Commerce
Russel Cooper
The Value of Signals in Hidden Action Models
Wendelin Schnedler
The Evolution of Industrial Districts
Giulio Cainelli
Variable Income Equivalence Scales
Carsten Schröder
Locational Preferences of Entrepreneurs
WJ Meester
Empirical Finance
Sardar M N Islam and 1 more
Ifo Survey Data in Business Cycle and Monetary Policy
JanEgbert Sturm and 1 more
WTO and World Trade
Günter Heiduk and 1 more
Product Standards, Exports and Employment
Rajat Acharyya
Agent-Based Computational Modelling
Francesco C Billari and 3 more
A Life Cycle for Clusters?
Kerstin Press
Evolution of Italian Enterprises in the 20th Century
Renato Giannetti and 1 more
Trade Specialization in the Enlarged European Union
Dora Borbély
Effective and Efficient Organisations?
Iris A Hauswirth
Negotiations With Asymmetrical Distribution of Power
Klaus Winkler
The Impact of FDI on Economic Growth
Marco Neuhaus
The Urban Mosaic of Post-Socialist Europe
Sasha Tsenkova and 1 more
Operating Hours and Working Times
Lei Delsen and 3 more
New Political Economy of Exchange Rate Policies and the Enlargement of the Eurozone
Christian H Fahrholz
Population Ageing and Economic Growth
Sandra Gruescu
Essays on Transport Economics
Pablo CotoMillán and 1 more
Project Governance
Patrick S Renz
The Value Chain of Foreign Aid
Christian Schabbel
Insurance Intermediation
Martina Eckardt
Equity Ownership and Performance
Kerstin Gross
Regionalisation, Growth, and Economic Integration
George M Korres
Competitiveness in the Tourism Sector
WeiChiang Hong
Productivity, Efficiency, and Economic Growth in the Asia-Pacific Region
Chongdong Yi and 1 more
Housing Policy Reforms in Post Socialist Europe
S Tsenkova
Telecommunication Markets
Brigitte Preissl and 2 more
Comparative Analysis of Operating Hours and Working Times in the European Union
Lei Delsen
Banking on Innovation
Tanai Khiaonarong and 1 more
Economics of Imperfect Markets
Giorgio Calcagnini and 1 more
Urban-Rural Interactions
Eveline S van Leeuwen
Economic Spillovers, Structural Reforms and Policy Coordination in the Euro Area
Bas van Aarle and 1 more
The Design of the Eurosystem's Monetary Policy Instruments
Ulrike Neyer
Banking Sector Liberalization in India
Christian Roland
Individual Financial Planning for Retirement
Nicole Brunhart
Gender, Ethnicity and Employment
Rowshan Ara Haque and 1 more
Chinese Railways
Katrin Luger
Corporate Control and Enterprise Reform in China
Christian Büchelhofer
Corporate Social Responsibility as an International Strategy
Christina Keinert
International Brand Management of Chinese Companies
Sandra Bell
The Influence of National Competition Policy on the International Competitiveness of Nations
Andreas Mitschke
A Successful Transformation?
Petr Pavlínek
Samuelson WeiChiang Hong
International Finance in Emerging Markets
Songporn Hansanti and 2 more
JeongDong Lee and 1 more
European Financial Markets
Tony Southall
Regional Analysis and Policy
Harry Coccossis and 1 more
The Airline Industry
Alessandro Cento
Reflexivity in Economics
Serena Sandri
Liberalization and Regulation of the Telecommunications Sector in Transition Countries
Ekaterina Markova
Housing Policy Reforms in Post-Socialist Europe
Sasha Tsenkova
Vector Calculus in Regional Development Analysis
Kesra Nermend
Comparative Analyses of Operating Hours and Working Times in the European Union
Consumer Credit in Europe
Daniela Vandone
Regional Cohesion
Piotr Pachura
Services Offshoring and Its Impact on the Labor Market
Deborah Winkler
Financial Liberalization in Developing Countries
Abdullahi Dahir Ahmed and 1 more
Digitalization in Open Economies
Michael Vogelsang
Eveline van Leeuwen
AIDS and Aid
Diana Sonntag
The Economics of Imperfect Markets
Balkan and Eastern European Countries in the Midst of the Global Economic Crisis
Anastasios G Karasavvoglou and 1 more
Demographic Change and Economic Growth
Lars Weber
Essays on Port Economics
Pablo CotoMillán and 2 more
The Decision to Patent
Alexandra Zaby
Risk Management in Credit Portfolios
Martin Hibbeln
Economic Growth in the Regions of Europe
Sascha Sardadvar
Knowledge Flows, Technological Change and Regional Growth in the European Union
Malgorzata RuniewiczWardy
Money, Stock Prices and Central Banks
Marcel Wiedmann
Economic Crisis in Europe and the Balkans
Anastasios Karasavvoglou and 1 more
Export Diversification and Economic Growth
Juan Felipe Mejía
The Reasons for Underdevelopment
Donatella Strangio
Innovation in the High-Tech Economy
Pang Chuan and 5 more
Competition for Public Transport Services
Arne Beck
Small Businesses in the Aftermath of the Crisis
Asymmetric Economic Integration
Snorri Thomas Snorrason
The Economics of Small Businesses
Performance of Pharmaceutical Companies in India
Mainak Mazumdar
International Trade and Unemployment
Marco de Pinto
The Impact of International Trade and FDI on Economic Growth and Technological Change
Patricia Hofmann
Economic Cycles in Emerging and Advanced Countries
Antonio Giovanni Pesce
Malgorzata RuniewiczWardyn
International Trade Policy and European Industry
Marcel van Marion
Integrated Spatial and Transport Infrastructure Development
Hansjörg Drewello and 1 more
The First Decade of Living With the Global Crisis
Anastasios G Karasavvoglou and 3 more
The Economic Impact of International Monetary Fund Programmes
Omer Javed
New Cohesion Policy of the European Union in Poland
Adam A Ambroziak
Labor and Employment Relations in a Globalized World
Toker Dereli and 2 more
International Conference on Management Science Engineering
EU Crisis and the Role of the Periphery
Anastasios Karasavvoglou and 2 more
Technological Change and Skill Development in Arab Gulf Countries
Samia Mohamed Nour
Development Patterns of Material Productivity
Larissa TalmonGros
Economic Crisis, Development and Competitiveness in Southeastern Europe
Innovative Start-Ups and the Distribution of Human Capital
Ronney Aamoucke
The Sugarcane Complex in Brazil
Felix Kaup
The Political Economy of Anti-Dumping Protection
Patricia Wruuck
Information and Communication Technology in Sudan
The Theory of New Classical Macroeconomics
Peter Galbács
Formalizing the Shadow Economy in Serbia
Gorana Krstic and 1 more
Antonio Pesce
The New Industrial Policy of the European Union
Global Financial Crisis and Its Ramifications on Capital Markets
Ümit Hacioglu and 1 more
Integration and Clustering for Sustainable Economic Growth
Elena G Popkova
Colonial Theories of Institutional Development
Daniel OtoPeralías and 1 more
Natural Disasters and Individual Behaviour in Developing Countries
Oliver Fiala
Military Operational Planning and Strategic Moves
Lucía Martínez Ordóñez
Russia and the European Union
Uncertainty in Economics
Julia Köhn
Property Tax in BRICS Megacities
Marco Salm
In Stock
£98.99 £109.99
Finance in Central and Southeastern Europe
Srecko Goic and 2 more
The Process of Social Value Creation
Archana Singh
Multiplying Mighty Davids?
Sarah Debor
Overcoming Uncertainty of Institutional Environment as a Tool of Global Crisis Management
Legal Traditions, Legal Reforms and Economic Performance
The Role of Universities in the Europe 2020 Strategy
Alessandra Ricciardelli
The Political Economy of Development in Southeastern Europe
Spyros Roukanas and 2 more
Product Characteristics in International Economics
Stephan Huber
Sustainable Growth and Development of Economic Systems
Svetlana Ashmarina
Climate Change and Global Development
Tiago Sequeira and 1 more
The Cyber Economy
Vladimir M Filippov
Blockchain Economics and Financial Market Innovation
Umit Hacioglu
Empirical Research on an Unconditional Basic Income in Europe
Off-Campus Study, Study Abroad, and Study Away in Economics
Joshua Hall and 1 more
"Ye Shall Know Them by Their Fruits"
Jason García Portilla
“Ye Shall Know Them by Their Fruits”
Firm Heterogeneity, Labor Markets and International Trade
H Bunzel and 2 more
Public Support for the Euro
Felix Roth
Intangible Capital and Growth
The Future of Work in the United States
Natalie Rauscher
Outward Foreign Direct Investment of Chinese Enterprises
Wei Tian and 1 more
Joshua Hall
Circular Economy and the Energy Market
Hasan Dinçer
Economic Dependence of Mongolia on Minerals
Yoshitaka Hosoi and 2 more
Advances in Behavioral Economics and Finance Leadership
Julia Puaschunder
Impact Assessment for Developing Countries
Takuya Nakaizumi
The Power of Ideas
Zhiyi Liu
The Economic Rise of East Asia
Linda Glawe and 1 more
The Changing Financial Landscape
Goran Karanovic
The Austrian School of Economics in the 21st Century
Annette GodartVan der Kroon and 1 more
Socioeconomic Dynamics of the COVID-19 Crisis
Nezameddin Faghih
Advances in Econometrics, Operational Research, Data Science and Actuarial Studies
M Kenan Terziolu
World Economy and International Business
Alexander Bulatov
Modelling Unemployment Insurance
Paola Potestio
Emerging European Economies after the Pandemic
László Mátyás
Principles of Digital Economics
Rethinking Economics Starting from the Commons
Valentina Rotondi
Historical Epistemology of Ecological Economics
Alberto Fragio
Interventions to Reduce Logistic Costs for Trade Competitiveness and Poverty
Jose Luis Guasch
Why and How Humans Trade, Predict, Aggregate, and Innovate
Maurizio Bovi
The Political Economy of Indo-European Polytheism
Mario Ferrero
Sustainable Development in Asia
Bernadette AndreossoOCallaghan
Applied Econometric Analysis Using Cross Section and Panel Data
Deep Mukherjee
Valentina Rotondi and 1 more
Economic Development and the Environmental Ecosystem
Hasan Dinçer and 1 more
Development of World Trade in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Jakub Horák and 3 more
Forecasting from Multi-Equation Econometric Micromodels
Jerzy W WiÔsniewski
Biopolitics and Shock Economy of COVID-19
Nezameddin Faghih and 1 more
Sustainable Macroeconomics, Climate Risks and Energy Transitions
Unurjargal Nyambuu and 1 more
Complex-Valued Econometrics With Examples in R
Sergey Svetunkov and 1 more
The Rise of China's Economy
Horst Löchel and 1 more